Are you suffering from lymphedema?
With liposuction together with compression treatment according to your specific diagnosis we can guarantee:
A full reduction of your lymphedema and a tremendous increase in quality of life.
What is lymphedema?
Lymphedema can either be congenital (primary) or a result of treatment (secondary). Secondary course is the most common reason and may occur after cancer treatment of mainly breast cancer, gynecological cancer, prostate cancer, malignant melanoma or tumors in the head/throat. Lymphedema is a chronic and complex condition that has major physical, psychological and social implications for the quality of life of patients suffering from it…
Learn more WATCH WEBINAR6 weeks after Surgery my leg was completely different, I can walk and I noticed that my edema was improving on weekly basis , I am now looking forward to wear what I like from clothes and shoes without noticing any difference between my two legs .
My life before the surgery was hard, a lot of sadness, a lot of pain, poor sleep. Now I’m just looking forward to get the surgery on the second leg, so life will be even easier to live. Thank you so much for making this possible for me.
The quality of my life has improved – my leg is lighter and is practically the same size as my right leg. Most important for me I can wear jeans and trousers my own size and not two sizes bigger as I had been doing. I can also wear long boots which I was unable to do prior to the operation.

The quality of healthcare in Sweden is consistently top-ranked internationally. For instance, Sweden is in a shared top position when it comes to attainment of the health-related indicators for the Sustainable Development Goals and the life expectancy at birth is 82 years, among the highest in the world (WHO, 2015).
Swedish healthcare constantly strives to improve medical results. One unique tool is our approximately 100 national quality registries. We use these registries for learning, improvement, research, and management to create the best possible healthcare. In addition, Sweden is involved in international collaboration on specialised care, improving patient safety, and increasing patient influence. Learn more: Swedish National Quality Registries
Skåne Care links you to the skills, services, expertise and excellence offered by the public healthcare system in southern Sweden and by private partners all over the country. We offer comprehensive word-class healthcare for international patients, training programs for medical professionals and management consulting services for clinics, hospitals and administrators. Welcome to read more about us on www.skanecare.com